
Sunday, March 18, 2012

A new game: Dungeon Petz

After some thought I decided to buy a new game. Vlaada Chvatil, the game designer behind the wonderful Galaxy Trucker and Through the ages, designed a spin-off game from his Dungeon Lords (which I hear was met with some mixed feelings) that tasks the player with managing a group of imps and breeding different monster pets.

I've played Dungeon Petz (Příšerky z podzemí in Czech) once so far and while the rules were a bit complex, I believe I understand about 90% of them and other sessions will go faster. The game is both a worker placement thing with some micro management. As you can tell from the box art, the game's graphics are lovely though the game board is slightly cluttered (though still keeping the graphics mostly functional).

After I play it some more, I'll write a post about it, as usual.
EDIT: Here's the post

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