
Monday, August 5, 2013

Blueberry Cheesecake

I spent my birthday alone in the bed feeling miserable because I was really lucky to get the summer tonsillitis on the special day while everyone spent their vacations elsewhere. But at least I had time to look for a nice cake that I would celebrate my postponed anniversary with. I have never made a cheesecake before but I've heard everyone saying that it is a really easy cake to make.

Easy isn't challenging but since I was able to mess up those flapjacks a month ago, I figured out I didn't need a challenge but a nice comfort cake.  In the end it was actually quite easy but it still managed to brown a bit more on the top. It was perfect on the inside but it didn't look like a proper cheesecake. That's because it is a bit tricky to regulate the temperature in a gas oven. If you want to avoid the brown top, put baking paper on it for the last 15-10 minutes in the oven.