
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Arkham Horror

Pew pew pew
How cool is that this game served as a gateway to the whole Cthulhu mythos thing for me? Pretty cool, I tell you. Coincidentally, it was one of the first modern, more complex board games that I've played and I fell in sort of love with it. It is a lot of fun and I accept almost every chance to play it. However, that's because the offers don't really come frequently.

Arkham Horror is a game of huge scope. It takes up a lot of space and you have to have a free day to play it (we rarely finished it under 6 hours) and it does require a lot of attention and a right mindset. New players are usually surprised by its ridiculously complicated rules and some casual players just can't get into the role-playing, story-telling aspect of the game and to be honest, without it, the game boggles down to a dice rolling frenzy, but more on that later. It just is not for everyone, but it's quite rewarding to those who enjoy Lovecraft's mythos and are not afraid to lose sanity to tentacles in shadows.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cinnamon Tea Cake

I've stumbled upon this recipe one day when I was trying to find more ways to get spices into baked goods. After making batches of phenomenal Spicy oatmeal cookies with raisins, I wanted to put cinnamon into cakes. I tried some experimenting with cupcakes and strong flavours but I really found a gem in this simple cake. Tea cakes are not made from tea, as it may seem. They are usually enjoyed WITH a cup of afternoon tea, preferably one of slightly bitter taste. While the classification of tea cakes is pretty broad (in some regions, teacake is sort of a bread with dried fruit in it, in others it is not unlike a standard pound cake, somewhere even similar to cookies), they are sweet and tend not to be frosted.